Flights of 13MIKE

by Fred J. Calfior and Douglas W. Miller

Flight Scenario Seven


**  a) How many Victor Airways converge at Roberts VOR? __________8__________ (15 pts)

**  b) What major road parallels your track from Roberts VOR to Kankakee? __________157__________ (15 pts)

**  c) What is the name of the private airstrip on the right halfway between Roberts and Kankakee ________CLASSEN_________ (15 pts)


**  3) Select CARB HEAT "ON", record RPM drop 80 [60] (5 pts)

**  5) Select "LEFT" Mag, record RPM drop __150 [130] 5 pts)

**  7) Select "RIGHT" Mag, record RPM drop _150 [130] 5 pts)


**  9) At "500" feet above the ground, raise the flaps to "0". What is your altitude? __1400__ (20 pts)

**  10) At "1000" feet above the ground, make a "45" degree right departure turn. What is that desired heading? _075_ (20 pts)

**  13) Record your:

NAV 1 DME DIST 2.2 to 2.4 [1.7 to 1.9] (25 pts)

ALTITUDE _____2200 to 2400_______ (20 pts)

AIRSPEED ________80 to 85_________ (15 pts)

VSI _________600 to 800___________ (15 pts)

GEAR __________UP______________ (10 pts)

FLAPS ___________UP____________ (10 pts)


**  4) Record your:

Ground speed from NAV 2 _____108 to 115___ (20 pts)

NAV 2 DME DIST __24.5 to 24.8 [25.2 to 25.5] (25 pts)

NAV 2 COURSE with centered needle
_088 to 092 [080 to 084] (25 pts)

Airspeed _________126 to 133____________ (20 pts)

ROBERTS VOR ___________12 to 13_______ (20 pts)

Course change #1:

**  3) From the above, what might be a good heading to go to? _035 to 045_ (20 pts)


**  5) Record your:

NAV 1 DME DIST ___23.6 to 23.9 [N/A]_ (25 pts)

ALTITUDE ________3450 to 3550______ (20 pts)

HEADING ________035 to 045________ (20 pts)

AIRSPEED _____126 to 134____ (15 pts)

Traffic pattern entry:

**  2) Heading _____165_____ (20 pts)

**       4) Heading _____265_____ (20 pts)

**       6) Record your:

NAV 1 DME DIST ___4.4 to 4.9 [N/A]__ (25 pts)

ALTITUDE ______2300 to 2400_______ (20 pts)


CARB HEAT ______________ON_____ (10 pts)

CURRENT HEADING ___260 to 270____ (10 pts)


**       8) Adjust height with _____Power______ (20 pts)

9) Adjust airspeed with _____Pitch_____ (20 pts)

**       13) Record your:

AIRSPEED ______75 to 85___________ (25 pts)

ALTITUDE _______1100 to 1250______ (25 pts)

RPM __1350 to 1420 [1650 to 1750]____ (20 pts)

HEADING _______305 to 315_________ (20 pts)

VSI _________-350 to -450____________ (15 pts)

CARB HEAT ________ON____________ (15 pts)

GEAR ________DOWN______________ (10 pts)

**       19) Record your:

AIRSPEED ________70 to 80____________ (20 pts)

VSI __________-300 to -500_____________ (20 pts)

HEADING ___________035 to 045________ (15 pts)

RPM _____1200 to 1400 [1500 to 1700]____ (15 pts)

FLAPS __________30 degrees down_______ (10 pts)

**       28) Record the TIME ____14:17 to 14:25______ (5 pts)

TOP GUN .......................................

736 to 785 pts

FLYING LEATHERNECK .....................

606 to 735 pts


471 to 605 pts

TEST PILOT HOPEFUL ........................

341 to 470 pts

WHITE KNUCKLE WILLIE ....................

211 to 340 pts

TAKE THE BUS ................................

000 to 210 pts

Table of Contents
Previous Section: Answers: Flight Scenario Six
Next Section: Answers: Flight Scenario Eight