Flights of 13MIKE

by Fred J. Calfior and Douglas W. Miller

Flight Scenario Six


**  a) What is the name of the airport on the tracks as you cross the 290 radial of Joliet? __________WOODLAKE_______ (15 pts)

**  b) What's the name of the river you cross as you head south to Pontiac VOR? ___________ILLINOIS RIVER________ (15 pts)

**  c) What interstate do you parallel and cross inbound from Pontiac VOR to your destination? _____________155_____________ (15 pts)


**  3) Select CARB HEAT "ON", record RPM drop 80 [501 (5 pts)

**  5) Select "LEFT" Mag, record RPM drop ___150 [120]_ (5 pts) 7)

**  7) Select "RIGHT" Mag, record RPM drop __150 [120]_ (5 pts)


**  10) At "700" feet above the ground, begin a LEFT "90" degree
     CROSSWIND turn; What altitude is that? __1400_ (20 pts)

**  12) Your heading for the CROSSWIND leg is __270__ (15 pts)
    Your heading for the DOWNWIND leg is __180__ (15 pts)

Pattern Departure:

**  2) Record the heading displayed on your DG 177 to 183, (20 pts) Record the altitude you're passing __2800 to 2900_ (15 pts)

**  3) At midfield, turn RIGHT "45" degrees, maintaining the climb. What will that heading be? ________225_____________ (15 pts)

Level off:

**  5) Record your:

NAV 1 DME DIST 15.3-15.7 [14.9-15.3] (25 pts)

HEADING ____220 to 230__________ (20 pts)

RPM __2240 to 2260 [2400 to 2500]__ (20 pts)

AIRSPEED ____115 to 125__________ (15 pts)

GEAR _______UP_________________ (10 pts)

FLAPS __________UP_____________ (10 pts)

Course change #1:

**  3) Record your:

NAV 1 DME DIST 17.7-18.2 [16.2-16.7] (25 pts)

ALTITUDE ____2950 to 3050________ (20 pts)

NAV 2 DME DIST 48.0-48.5 [49.1-49.6] (20 pts)

Course change #2:

**  6) Record your:

NAV 1 DME DIST 50.5-51.0 [53.6-54.1] (25 pts)

NAV 2 DME DIST 33.3-33.8 [33.5-34.0] (25 pts)

AIRSPEED ________126 to 134_______ (20 pts)

HEADING ________166 to 170_______ (20 pts)


**  1) When abeam a point on the runway between the departure end of runway 11 and midfield, begin a RIGHT turn to the DOWNWIND leg. Heading ___290________ (20 pts)

**  6) When the end of the runway is at your 5 o'clock position, turn LEFT "90" degrees to establish your BASE leg of the approach. Heading ______200_______ (20 pts)

**  9) Record your:

AIRSPEED _______80 to 90________ (25 pts)

VSI _______-300 to -500___________ (25 pts)

ALTITUDE ______1350 to 1450_____ (20 pts)

HEADING _____195 to 205_________ (20 pts)

RPM ___1490 to 1510 [1750 to 1850]__ (20 pts)

CARB HEAT _________ON_________ (10 pts)

LIGHTS ___________OFF__________ (10 pts)

GEAR __________DOWN__________ (10 pts)

**  14) Record your:

AIRSPEED ______70 to 80_____________ (25 pts)

VS1 ________-350 to -450_____________ (20 pts)

HEADING _______105 to 115__________ (20 pts)

RPM ____1490 to 1510 [1750 to 1850]____ (20 pts)

FLAPS ________30 degrees down_______ (15 pts)

**  24) Record the TIME __12:47 to 12:55__ (5 pts)

TOP GUN .......................................

661 to 700 pts

FLYING LEATHERNECK .....................

551 to 660 pts


436 to 550 pts

TEST PILOT HOPEFUL ........................

326 to 435 pts

WHITE KNUCKLE WILLIE ....................

216 to 325 pts

TAKE THE BUS ................................

000 to 215 pts


Table of Contents
Previous Section: Answers: Flight Scenario Five
Next Section: Answers: Flight Scenario Seven