Microsoft Flight Simulator Handbook
by Jonathan M. Stern
Approach to Landing Stalls
The approach to landing stall simulates what can happen if the airplane is too slow and/or too low on the approach to landing. In light, single-engine airplanes, this usually occurs at a time when the airplane is flying straight in a gradual descent with power at or close to idle. The procedure for practicing the approach to landing stall is as follows:
- Throttle—idle.
- Carburetor Heat—on.
- Altitude—maintain until reaching 80 knots.
- Flaps—extend fully.
- Pitch Attitude—establish 70 knot descent.
- Bank—level or shallow turns to simulate turn to final.
- Pitch Attitude—increase to maintain altitude until stall occurs.
The procedure for recovery from an approach to landing stall is as follows:
- Pitch Attitude and Bank—decrease and level wings.
- Throttle—full power.
- Carburetor Heat—cold.
- Flaps—retract incrementally.
- Pitch Attitude—return to level flight.
Generally, the approach to landing stall develops with less buffeting and shaking than with a power on stall, such as a departure stall. One of the better clues of the onset of the approach to landing stall is the degree of up elevator being held just prior to the stall. The airplane will also likely develop a high sink rate, despite its nose-high attitude (see Figure 4.7).
Reset the Airwork situation and practice an approach to landing stall. For additional instruction and practice, select "Lesson 1—Full Stall—Power Off (Approach)" from the Advanced Lesson Category in the Options/Flight Instruction menu. Let the instructor demonstrate the approach to landing stall. After the instructor completes the demonstration, you have a chance to try it.
Table of Contents
Previous Section: Departure Stalls
Next Section: Accelerated Stalls