Microsoft Flight Simulator Handbook
by Jonathan M. Stern
Departure Stalls
Departure stalls are practiced to simulate the situation of pitching too high during climb out immediately following the takeoff. Accordingly, the maneuver is performed with high power settings and generally requires a high pitch attitude. The maneuver can be performed in straight flight or in a shallow turn, as might be made while turning in the traffic pattern.
Speed is reduced to normal liftoff speed prior to initiation of the maneuver so that the airplane is not maintained in a very nose-high attitude for a long period of time. Use the following procedure to practice the entry into a departure stall:
- Throttle—idle.
- Flaps—retracted.
- Altitude—maintain until reaching 65 knots.
- Throttle—increase to full power.
- Carburetor Heat—cold.
- Bank—level or 15° to 20° if desired.
- Pitch Attitude—increase to slightly above 20° nose-up attitude and maintain until stall occurs.
To practice the recovery from a departure stall, use the following procedure:
- Pitch Attitude—decrease.
- Throttle—full power.
- Bank—wings level.
- Pitch Attitude—return to level pitch attitude.
Return to the Airwork situation from the Options/Situation menu and practice a departure stall (see Figure 4.6).
Flight Simulator includes a lesson in departure stalls. For additional instruction and practice, select "Lesson 2—Full Stall—Power On (Departure)" from the Advanced Lesson Category in the Options\Flight Instruction menu. The instructor demonstrates the departure stall, and then you have an opportunity to practice.
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