Microsoft Flight Simulator Handbook
by Jonathan M. Stern
Split S
The Split S combines the aileron roll with the loop. The maneuver begins with an aileron roll to inverted flight. Then the airplane flies the second half of a loop to recover in level flight, opposite the direction of entry, and at a lower altitude (see Figure 8.7).
Follow these steps for entry into the Split S:
- Turn off Auto Coordination from the Sim menu.
- Climb to 6,000 feet AGL or use the World/Set Exact Location menu to place the airplane at 6,000 feet.
- Establish cruise flight (flaps and gear retracted).
- Enter a shallow dive to accelerate the airplane to 30 knots above cruise speed.
- Apply up elevator to raise the nose slightly above the horizon; then neutralize the elevator.
- Apply left or right aileron to roll.
- Gradually neutralize the ailerons as the airplane is approaching the inverted position so that the ailerons are neutral as the airplane is at the 180° roll point.
- Apply up elevator and set throttle to idle to fly the second half of a loop.
Follow these steps for recovery from the Split S:
- Level pitch.
- Apply cruise throttle.
Lesson: Aerobatic Category (Lesson 5)
Table of Contents
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