Microsoft Flight Simulator Handbook
by Jonathan M. Stern
Inverted Flight
Inverted flight is similar to an aileron roll, except that the roll is stopped while the airplane is upside down (see Figure 8.6).
While inverted, nose up relative to the pilot translates to nose toward the ground. Roll control does not change, however. The following steps provide for entry into the inverted flight:
- Turn off Auto Coordination from the Sim menu.
- Climb to 6,000 feet AGL or use the World/Set Exact Location menu to place the airplane at 6,000 feet.
- Establish cruise flight (flaps and gear retracted).
- Enter a shallow dive to accelerate the airplane to 30 knots above cruise speed.
- Apply up elevator to raise the nose slightly above the horizon; then neutralize the elevator.
- Apply left or right aileron to roll.
- Gradually neutralize the ailerons as the airplane is approaching the inverted position so that the ailerons are neutral as the airplane is at the 180° roll point.
- Use reverse elevator control to maintain altitude.
Use the following recovery steps:
- Apply ailerons to continue roll toward rightside up attitude.
- As the airplane approaches level, neutralize the ailerons.
- Pitch for level flight.
Lesson: Aerobatic Category (Lesson 4)
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