Jet Fighter School II
More Training for Computer Fighter Pilots
by Richard G. Sheffield
Part 2 - More Things to Do with F-15 Strike Eagle
Chapter 6
Red Flag Training for F-15 Strike Eagle
Just outside of Las Vegas Nevada, inside Nellis Air Force Base, is a small country called Red/and which declares war on the U.S. Air Force five times a year and has yet to win. This is Operation Red Flag where pilots come to learn to fight their aircraft under wartime conditions and pressures. Although run by the Air Force, Red Flag participants can be from any of the U.S. armed forces as well as a number of foreign allies.
Red Flag was founded in 1975 as a result of the poor showing of Air Force pilots during the war in Southeast Asia. There, it became obvious that the training received by fighter pilots didn't go far enough. Studies showed that a pilot's skill (and his chances of survival) greatly increased during his first ten missions. After those ten, if he lived through them, he was as good as he was going to get. The problem was that too many pilots never made it to ten missions. Red Flag was founded to give pilots combat-like experience without having them risk their lives in real combat situations.

Figure 6-1. An F-15 pilot makes a last-minute check before taking off during a Red Flag exercise.
Each pilot at the school flies ten combat missions under extreme pressure, similar to that experienced in combat. During these flights he is encouraged to try new tactics and make mistakes; this is a learning experience, not an evaluation.
The air-to-air combat duels are flown against the pilots of the 65th Aggressor Squadron who simulate Soviet equipment and tactics. They fly F-5 aircraft to simulate the small, agile MiG. They also fly like Soviet pilots, which often gets them "killed" (or, in fighter pilot lingo, a mort). It takes a great deal of training and self restraint to be a good aggressor pilot. They often have to do things that aren't conventional in order to more closely resemble their Soviet counterparts. Be Humble is a motto they quickly come to appreciate.
F-15 Strike Eagle
Unlike the Navy's Top Gun school, Red Flag features air-to-ground as well as air-to-air missions depending on the role of the aircraft. Since you'll be flying the new F-15E Strike Eagle, you must excel in combat against ground forces as well as aircraft. A simulated Red Flag training program has been put together to help you learn to use all of the aircraft capabilities in a variety of situations. Training is divided into three parts, a section on air-to-air fighting one on one, a section on air-to-air fighting one on many, and a section on air-to-ground tactics.
Each mission, or hop as they're called, includes a premission briefing covering the mission setup, weapons to be carried, and flight goals. The mission goals will depend on the difficulty level you select. For normal difficulty, select the Pilot level. For extra difficulty, try the Ace level.
Start each mission according to the instructions given, even if they ask you to do some odd things, like letting yourself get shot. To complete a hop successfully you must fly safely back to the base. Bailing out does not count.
Air-to-Air, Part 1: Single Bogey
Red Flag Hop Number 1
Purpose: Hop number 1 is your qualifying flight for Red Flag. A certain level of proficiency is required to proceed with the rest of the missions. Proper completion this mission assures that you have reached this level.
Setup: Select F-15 Strike Eagle mission number 1--Libya.
Weapons To Be Used: All air-to-air weapons can be used.
Air-To-Ground Weapons: Drop all bombs at start of mission for maximum air-to-air performance.
Mission Description: Your mission is to fly southwest into enemy territory and engage any aircraft you encounter. Remember to allow yourself enough fuel to return safely to the base.
Mission Goals: Your goal for this mission is to shoot down ten enemy aircraft (Pilot mode), or seven enemy aircraft (Ace mode).
Red Flag Hop Number 2
Purpose: One of the problems encountered by pilots over southeast Asia was a reliance on missiles during air-to-air encounters. Once a fight became too close for missiles, they didn't have adequate skill in gun attacks to counter the maneuverable MiGs. This hop will force you to become acquainted with gun-only attacks.
Setup: Select mission Number 1-Libya.
Weapons To For this mission only the gun may be used;
Be Used: the missiles should be carried but not used.
Air-to-Ground All bombs should be dropped as soon as Weapons: possible to achieve maximum maneuverability.
Mission Fly southwest into enemy controlled terri
Description: tory, engage all enemy aircraft encountered; and return safely to the base.
Mission Goals: Your goal for this hop is to shoot down five enemy aircraft using only your gun in Pilot mode, or two aircraft in Ace mode.
Red Flag Hop Number 3
Purpose: The use of flares for countermeasures against enemy air-to-air missiles is no substitute for good evasive flying. This mission will help you gain confidence in evading enemy missiles without the use of flares. You will only be allowed to use short-range missiles so the enemy can get close enough to shoot back.
Setup: Select mission number 1-Libya.
Weapons To Be Used: Only short-range missiles and guns can be used during this hop. Flares may not be used.
Air-to-Ground Weapons: All bombs should be dropped as soon as possible.
Mission Description: Fly southeast into enemy controlled territory, engage all enemy aircraft, and return safely to the base.
Mission Goals: Your goal for this mission is to shoot down five enemy aircraft in Pilot mode, or three aircraft in Ace mode, and safely return to the base without the use of flares as a countermeasure against enemy missiles.
Red Flag Hop Number 4
Purpose: Your F-15 flies and handles beautifully under normal circumstances, but it can be a real bear to handle once you sustain damage. By completing this mission you will gain confidence in your ability to complete a mission even with an injured bird.
Setup: Select mission number 1-Libya.
Weapons To Be Used: Only short-range missiles and guns may be used during this mission.
Air-to-Ground Weapons: Drop all bombs as soon as possible.
Mission Description: Upon mission start-up, make a hard turn and allow the enemy aircraft to fire and hit you with one missile. Once you've been hit, you may engage and destroy the enemy aircraft that injured you and all other enemy aircraft you encounter. You must return safely to the base to successfully complete the mission.
Mission Goals: Your goal for this mission is to shoot down five enemy aircraft in Pilot mode, or three aircraft in Ace mode, after receiving damage.
Air to Air, Part 2: Multiple Bogeys
Fighting when outnumbered is never easy, but it doesn't have to be a disaster either. The main thing to remember is to stay on the offensive and cut the odds as quickly as possible. Also, it's important to avoid long engagements with any one particular aircraft because doing so might allow another bogey to swing around behind you for a good rear-quarter shot. Keep your energy level high and make a series of slashing attacks rather than long, turning engagements.
Red Flag Hop Number 5
Purpose: This mission is designed to help you to determine your level of expertise in the area of multiple bogey fighting. You'll have unlimited use of all weapon systems and defensive countermeasures.
Setup: Select mission number 5-Hanoi.
Weapons To Be Used: All weapons can be used in this mission. A good tactic is to fire medium-range missiles as soon as contact is made in hopes of cutting the odds before the engagement actually starts.
Air-to-Ground Weapons: Drop all bombs as soon as possible.
Mission Description: Your mission is to fly west into enemy-controlled territory and engage all aircraft encountered. Return safely to the base.
Mission Goals: Your goal for this mission is to shoot down eight enemy aircraft in Pilot mode, or five enemy aircraft in Ace mode.
Red Flag Hop Number 6
Purpose: Now we're going to make things a bit tougher. You'll fly basically the same mission as before, but this time without the advantage of medium-range missiles. You'll be forced to really "mix it up" with the bogeys.
Setup: Select mission number 5-Hanoi.
Weapons To Be Used: Only guns and short-range missile may be used on this mission.
Air-to-Ground Weapons: Drop all bombs as soon as possible.
Mission Description:Your mission is to fly west into enemy-controlled territory and engage all fighters encountered, using only your guns and short-range missiles. Return safely to the base.
Mission Goals: Your goal for this mission is to shoot down six enemy aircraft in Pilot mode, or four enemy aircraft in Ace mode.
Red Flag Hop Number 7
Purpose: You can't always count on having a load of missiles, so you need to learn to use your gun in a multiple-bogey situation. Don't chase one plane long enough to let another get behind you. High speed frontal attacks work well. Disengage if you need to and then start the attack again. Use your after-burners to create some space between you and the enemy, if needed.
Setup: Select mission number 5-Hanoi.
Weapons To Be Used: You are to use only guns during this mission, but you can use all available counter-measures.
Air-to-Ground Weapons: All bombs should be dropped as soon as possible.
Mission Description: Fly west into enemy-controlled territory, engage all aircraft encountered, and return safely to the base.
Mission Goals: Your goals for this mission are to shoot down five enemy aircraft in Pilot mode, or three enemy aircraft in Ace mode, and return safely to the base.
Red Flag Hop Number 8
Purpose: Often your mission will include an air-to-ground component. To accomplish this part of the mission you may have to fight your way into the target, carrying a load of bombs. The performance of your aircraft is affected by the extra weight of the bombs, so it's critical that you learn to maneuver in combat with a heavy load.
Setup: Select mission number 5-Hanoi.
Weapons To Be Used: On this mission you may use short-range missiles and guns only.
Air-to-Ground Weapons: Carry all bombs for the entire mission.
Mission Description: You are to fly west into enemy-controlled territory, engage aircraft, and return safely to the base.
Mission Goals: Your goals for this mission are to shoot down six enemy aircraft in Pilot mode, or four enemy aircraft in Ace mode, and return to base.
Part 3: Air-to-Ground
The F-15E was specifically designed to be an all-weather attack fighter capable of assorted air-to-ground missions. This being the case, two Red Flag training missions are included to help you hone your bombing skills in the combat environment.
Red Flag Hop Number 9
Purpose: Low-level high-speed bombing is a skill that should be mastered by all attack pilots. This mission gives you the opportunity to practice this skill.
Setup: Select mission number 3-Haiphong.
Weapons To Be Used: No air-to-air weapons will be needed; countermeasures may not be used against missiles.
Air-to-Ground Weapons: Use bombs to attack ground targets.
Mission Description: You're to fly west into enemy-controlled territory and attack both primary targets flying below 1500 feet on afterburners. Cut afterburners just before you reach the target, pop up to 3000 feet, and dive on the target. Attempt to hit each target with more than one bomb. After you hit the first target, turn on the afterburners and attack the second target. Maintain an altitude below 1500 feet except when popping up to dive on the target. Return safely to the base.
Mission Goals: Hit both primary targets. This should give you a score of 3000. Try to hit at least one with two bombs, giving you a score of 4500 in Pilot mode.
Red Flag Hop Number 10
Purpose: The other type of bomb run that every attack pilot should know is the dive-bomb attack. In this mission you will enter the area above SAM SA-7 range at 35,000 feet and turn on afterburners. The heat-seeking missiles can't reach you and the radar-guided missiles can't catch you. Dive on the target, using the speed brake to keep from exceeding the Vmax for the aircraft.
Setup: Select mission number 6-Iraq.
Weapons To Be Used: Air-to-air weapons will not be needed. Countermeasures can be used when leaving the area and diving on the target; they should not be needed when entering the area.
Air-to-Ground Weapons: Use bombs on ground targets.
Mission Description: Fly east into enemy-controlled territory and attack the first SAM (Surface to Air Missile) site. Fly at an altitude of 35,000 feet on afterburner. Set the NAV (Navigation) cursor to direct you to the target. When the blinking aircraft cursor enters the NAV box, cut the afterburners and dive straight down on the target. It will be necessary to extend the air brake to avoid exceeding the Vmax. Use the medium-range radar to locate the target on the way down, make any adjustments necessary, and pull up at 5000 feet. Then drop your bomb on the target. Learning this technique may take several tries, so don't be surprised if your first few attempts are failures. The most common error is starting your dive too late and passing over the target.
Mission Goals: Successfully dive-bomb one of the SAM sites around the closest airfield and return safely to the base.
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