Jet Fighter School II
More Training for Computer Fighter Pilots
by Richard G. Sheffield
The Spin
There are a number of different kinds of spins:
- Flat spins
- Inverted spins
- Power-off spins
- Falling leaf spins
These are only a few of the spins you can perform. For your aerobatic demonstration, however, you only need one good spin. Here is how to perform the power-on spin, which is nothing more than a diving aileron roll.
- Fly straight and level with plenty of altitude and with power at about 50 percent. (1)
- Simultaneously, push the stick forward to start a dive, and begin an aileron roll. (2)
- Place the aircraft in a 90-degree dive and hold it while continuing the roll. (3)
- You can continue to spin as long as you have sufficient altitude. Be careful not to exceed the airspeed limits of the aircraft. When you're ready to pull up, stop the roll (if you're in a good spin you may have to apply stick pressure in the opposite direction from the spin), pull back on the stick, and level out the wings. (4)

Figure 3-8. The Spin
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