Jet Fighter School II
More Training for Computer Fighter Pilots
by Richard G. Sheffield
The Four-Point Hesitation Roll
The four-point hesitation roll is a good maneuver for low-level demonstration and exhibition flying. You'll want to begin and end this maneuver on the same heading. The problem is that during the portions of the maneuver when you are flying on your side, you will be turning. To compensate for this, push forward on the stick when flying on your side. Also, if your hesitations at each point are for the same length of time, the turns should cancel each other.
- Fly straight and level at any speed above stall level. (1)
- Start an aileron roll to the right or left. Stop the roll and
- hesitate for a second when you reach the 90-degree position. (2)
- Continue the roll, in the same direction, and hesitate for a second at 180 degrees (inverted), at 270 degrees (the other knife edge), and stop the roll with the wings exactly level. (3)

Figure 3-6. Four-Point Hesitation Roll
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