Jet Fighter School II
More Training for Computer Fighter Pilots
by Richard G. Sheffield
The Outside Loop
Outside maneuvers generally cause negative G forces, meaning that instead of being pushed down into your seat, you're being pulled out of your seat. It's similar to the uncomfortable feeling you get when going over the top in a rollercoaster. Fortunately, a computer pilot won't feel a thing. If your simulation takes negative G forces into account, you must perform all outside maneuvers gently to keep from losing control.
- Fly straight and level at 600 knots or more, then roll to a level inverted position. (1)
- Now push forward on the stick to bring the nose up, and hold it there. (2)
- The plane will climb until you're at the top of the loop, right side up. But you're only halfway there. Here comes the scary part. (3)
- Continue to push forward on the stick and the aircraft will start to dive. (4)
- You should be in the bottom half of the loop. Continue to push forward on the stick until the horizon reappears and you're in level inverted flight once again.

Figure 3-3. Outside Loop
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