Jet Fighter School II
More Training for Computer Fighter Pilots
by Richard G. Sheffield
The Lazy Eight
The lazy eight is an excellent training maneuver. During this maneuver you will climb, turn, and dive through an ever-changing range of speeds. This maneuver requires almost constant adjustment to the stick and attention to where you are in the maneuver.
- Fly straight and level. Then dive to pick up speed and enter the maneuver. (1)
- Now pull back slightly on the stick and start a roll to the left. This will put you into a climbing turn to the left. (2)
- Gradually increase the banking angle until you're in a 90-degree turn. At this point push forward on the stick to bring the nose down to start a dive and roll out of the turn into level flight. (3)
- When you return to the altitude at which you started, begin a climbing turn to the right, identical to your earlier turn to the left. (4)
- When you reach a 90-degree bank, start your dive and level out the wings. (5)
You should attempt to end this maneuver at the same altitude and on the same heading as when you started your first turn.

Figure 2-8. The Lazy Eight
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