Jet Fighter School II
More Training for Computer Fighter Pilots
by Richard G. Sheffield
The Loop
The loop is one of the most important aerobatic building blocks. Although it looks easy and can be performed by simply pulling back on the stick and holding it, this will not produce a round loop. Your goal is to perform a nearly perfect circle and exit this maneuver at the same altitude and on the same heading you entered.
- All stick maneuvers for the loop are gentle and gradual.
- Fly straight and level at approximately 500 knots. Start pulling back on the stick a little at a time. (1)
- As you get close to vertical, apply some forward stick. Your goal is to wind up in level, inverted flight at the top of the loop. As you reach the inverted position, repeat the process of pulling back on the stick. (2)
- When you get to a position where your nose is pointing straight down, start adding some forward stick gradually so you have a nice, gentle pull out with your wings level. (3)
Performing the loop in this fashion will allow you to fly a round loop rather than an egg-shaped loop with a ballistic climb and dive.

Figure 2-1. The Loop
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