Jet Fighter School
Air Combat Simulator Tactics and Maneuvers
by Richard G. Sheffield
High Yo-Yo
Situation: | You are closing rapidly on a turning target from the side. You want to: |
•Avoid overshooting the target and losing your offensive position due to your greater speed. | |
•Obtain a better position behind the target for improved heat-seeking missile tracking. | |
Maneuver: | •Level your wings and pull up to gain altitude (1). |
•Begin turning toward the target, remaining above and behind (2). | |
•At this point, start an inverted roll and dive at the target (3). You have two options here. You can point your nose slightly ahead of the target and make a diving guns pass, or come around behind the target for a heat-seeking missile shot directly at the target's tailpipe (4). | |
•If the target reverses its turn at position 5, you should get a clean shot at its tail. If you fail to destroy the opponent, or miss, another High Yo-Yo or a Low Yo-Yo will return you to an attacking position. |
While the other aircraft is breaking hard, pull up; then pull down to get behind him.

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