Flying on Instruments with Flight Simulator

by Jonathan M. Stern


ADF (automatic direction finder) 25, 51, 54–56

aileron 7

airspeed indicator 4, 12

and constant airspeed climb 17

altimeter 5–6

attitude indicator 7

auto-coordination 8

bank 7

circling approaches 78–79

clearance 29–30

cloud quirks 31–32

computing groundspeed 5

DH (decision height) 67, 76

DME (distance-measuring equipment)

34, 67

arcs 79–80

en route low-altitude charts 23, 245–52

flying maneuvers 12–20

climb 17–18

climbing and descending turns 19–20

descent 18–19

right turns 14–16

straight and level 12–14

glideslope 66–67

HAA (height above airport) 44

HAT (height above touchdown) 44

heading indicator 8

IAF (initial approach fix) 45, 69

IAP (instrument approach procedure)

charts 23–26, 105–243

ILS (Instrument Landing System) 65–72

approach after glideslope fails 81

night approach 75–76

tracking inbound on 66

tracking outbound on 66

inclinometer 7

instrument scanning 11

knots 4

localizer 65

LOM (Locater Outer Marker) 69

magnetic bearing 54, 72

marker beacons 67

MDA (minimum descent altitude) 56, 67

measuring true airspeed 5

missed approach point 81

missed approach procedure 25

MSA (Minimum Safe Altitude) 43

NDB (nondirectional beacon) approaches 51–61

NOTAMs (notices to airmen) 24

OBI (Omni-Bearing Indicator) 32

OBS (Omni-Bearing Selector) 30

PB (bank performance) 12

pitch 7

Pitot-static system 4

PP (pitch performance) 12

procedure turn 42

radar vectors 44

to final approach course 82–83

rate of descent 67

table 113

relative bearing 54

rudder 7

skidding 7

slipping 7

standard rate turn 7

takeoff minimums and departure

procedures 87–103

terminal route 39

terminal VOR approach 44

throttle 14

touchdown zone elevation 43

tracking 56–59

inbound 59

outbound 56–57

turn coordinator 7

vertical speed indicator 6

and constant-rate climb 17

victor airways 23

VOR 23, 34–35, 39–47

DME approach 76–77

tracking with wind 33–34

wind compensation 33

wind correction 57

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