The Official F-19 Stealth Fighter Handbook
by Richard Sheffield
A-12 19–21
acoustics 12
AGM-65D Maverick 60, 62
finding Primary target in 85
maneuvers 75–83
tactics 71–85
weapons 71–3
tactics 55–67
weapons 55–7
attack planning 61–4
Aurora 33
B-2 Stealth Bomber 33
B-52 17–18, 20
bail out 50–1
Bents, Barbara 7
Boeing XB-47 28
CBU-72 FAE 61
Durandal 61
free-fall 56–7
laser guided 55–6, 61
retarded fall 56
Bombsight Bullseye 56
Bombsight Fall Line 56
Bombsight Flightpath Guide 56
cannons 57–8, 61
Clancy, Tom 8, 93, 181
CompuServe 177
contrails 12
Cooney, Russ 7
D-21 20–21
damage 109
decorations 103, 107–8
Congressional Medal of Honor 108
in Project Stealth Fighter 99
decoys 86
defense 66–7
ECM (Electronic CounterMeasures) system 92
extra fuel
in Project Stealth Fighter 94
F-15 Strike Eagle 6
F-19 Stealth Fighter 26–8, 37–51
flight characteristics 37–41
making of 6–8
two-player system 110
updating 179
versus F-117A 31–3
F-117A Stealth Fighter 25–33
design of 28
graphic of 177
history of 25–7
range of 28–9
versus F-19 31–3
weapons 30
flaps 86
below 500 feet 89–90
fuel consumption
relationship to airspeed and altitude 94
General Instruments Corporation 3
glide scope 49
in Project Stealth Fighter 94
glinting 13
guns 73
accuracy of 58–9
heads-up display (HUD) 55
symbols 55–7
Hellcat Ace 3, 5
Hendrick, Arnold 6
hills 63–4
historical gunsight 73–4
Hollis, Andy 6
infrared signature 12
reducing 31
Instrument Landing System (ILS) 49–50
Jones, Joseph 181
Lagace, Ken 7
landings 41–50
carrier 49–50
enemy plane 86
in Project Stealth Fighter 92
lateral separation 78
LO (Low Observability) technology 12
maneuvers 75–83
fake attacks 84
forced overshoot 83
Low Speed Yo-Yo 80
Straight Yo-Yo 82
with multiple bogeys 83
McKibbin, David 7
Meier, Sid 3, 5–6
Meyer, Steve 6–7
MicroProse 3, 6, 31, 177
missiles 71–3
guided 55
Harpoon 91
North, Oliver 29
OPERATION: Battering Ram 157–74
OPERATION: Exterminator 115–29
OPERATION: Federal Express 133–154
photo reconnaissance missions 64–5
Popular Mechanics 30
Powers, Gary 18, 20
Project Have Blue 25–6
Project Senior Crown 19–21
Project Stealth Fighter 6, 89–99
decorations 99
enemy AWACS in 92–3
enemy fighters in 95
hitting additional ground targets 95
promotions 98
runway landings in 92
scoring system 97–8
strafing 96
two-player system 93
weapons in 91
promotions 103, 107
in Project Stealth Fighter 98
pulling lead 75, 77
pursuit curves 75–8
lag 75, 78
lead 75, 77–8
pure 75–6
Q-Star 21
radar 13–14
doppler 66
jamming 25
pulse 66
ranges in Project Stealth Fighter 90–91
radar absorbing materials (RAM) 15–16, 20–21
Radar Cross Section (RCS) 12–16
calculating 14
reducing 14–16, 19
Ranging Bar 56
Realistic Landing mode 42
Red Storm Rising 93, 181
Remington, Max 7
RF-19 33
Roireau, Al 7
Satellite Map 65
scoring 103–6
in Cold War situations 104, 108
in Conventional War situations 105
in Limited War situations 105, 108
Shelley, Bruce 7
Silent Service 6
SR-71 19, 33
standoff 62
Star Raiders 5
Stealey, Bill 3–6
Stealth Aircraft 181
stealth profile 38–41
in Project Stealth Fighter 89
stealth technology 12–21
criteria for 12
history of 16–21
Stealth Technology: The Art of Black Magic 181
strafing 57–59, 62
in Project Stealth Fighter 96
Sweetman, Bill 30, 181
Switch Tracking mode 91
Synoski, Jim 7
Tactical Display 65
takeoffs 41–2
Taormino, Chris 7
Taylor, Murray 7
Time 29
U-2 18–19
visual detection
reducing 31
scrambled after taking hit 65
air-to-ground 55–7
F-117A Stealth Fighter 30
in Project Stealth Fighter 91
selection of 60–61
strafing 57–8
wolf-packs 17
YB-49 Flying Wing 17
YO-3 21
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