40 More Great Flight Simulator Adventures
by Charles Gulick

Corner on
Tie-Down II
Tie-Down II
North Position: 17031 | Rudder: 32767 |
East Position: 21073 | Ailerons: 32767 |
Altitude: 12 | Flaps: 0 |
Pitch: 0 | Elevators: 32767 |
Bank: 0 | Time: 21:00 |
Heading: 320 | Season: 3-Summer |
Airspeed: 0 | Wind: 0 Kts, 0 |
Throttle: 0 |
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Switch radar on and zoom around
a bit. At the higher altitudes,
consider how tiny you are way over there at the edge of everything. JFK is a mammoth airport with ten runways, but light aircraft are assigned one of the four shown above. The airport area is bordered on the south and west by Jamaica Bay, though the detail doesn't show up in the simulator. To the east is the Borough of Brooklyn and to the north the Borough of Queens. Long Island stretches off to the west. The nearest airports are LaGuardia to the north (VOR 113.1) and Republic, a few miles west of Deer Park VOR (111.2). The farthest airports are Logan International in Boston and Martha's Vineyard off the southern Massachusetts coast. (Consult your chart for the numerous OMNI fixes along these routes.) Most scenic flight. Northeastward to see the Statue of Liberty and Manhattan (World Trade Center, Empire State Building, Manhattan Bridge, Central Park), beautiful anytime of day or night. Make one of these flights when you finish this adventure. Or take off, fly the pattern (touch and go if you like), then land and try to taxi back to your tie-down. Location and taxiing information. You are parked for any of the runways you'll be using, at the extreme northeast corner of the airport complex. Radar shows you're just to the right of the end of runway 32, and that's the runway you see to the left out your windshield. Also on radar, in a fairly close-in view (or seen with a left rear view out your cabin windows), the wavy lines at seven o'clock (blue lights at dusk and night) mark a short taxiway which connects runways 32 and 22. For their reciprocals, 14 and 4, just taxi alongside either, and then do a 180 to get lined up. The choice of dusk for this tie-down mode sets you up for flying over Manhattan, first at dusk, and then if you're in the air long enough, at night. Of course, you can change the time or season as you like. To add interest to a tie-down mode, go into the editor and set any random wind and wind direction that comes into your head without thinking about runways. Then call the tower and get a runway assignment. It'll give you good takeoff (and landing) experience in crosswinds and oblique winds, plus good taxiing practice as you try to find your way around. |
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