Flights of 13MIKE

by Fred J. Calfior and Douglas W. Miller

Flight Scenario Twelve


**      a)

What airport is just on the other side of the New York/Connecticut border by Carmel VOR? Danbury  (15 pts)

**      b;)

What are the ATIS frequencies for Kennedy? 115.4 or 117.7  (15 pts)

**      c)

What is the name of the NDB that is at the departure end of runway 22 at Kennedy? CONDA  (15 pts)


What was the name of JFK International originally?

___________________Idlewild___________________   (20 pts).

What was the name of the stadium where the New York Mets used to play?____________________Shea____________________   (20 pts)


**  3) Select CARB HEAT "ON", record RPM drop ____80 [50]_____  (5 pts)

**  5) Select "LEFT" Mag, record RPM drop ______150 [120]_______  (5 pts)

**  7) Select "RIGHT" Mag, record RPM drop _____150 [120]______  (5 pts)

Course changes:

**        4) Record your:

GROUND SPEED ________120 to 130_____ (25 pts)

NAV 2 DME DIST ___10.8-11.3 [13.3-13.8]__ (25 pts)

ALTITUDE ________________4950 to 5050__ (20 pts)

AIRSPEED ________________126 to 134___ (20 pts)

CURRENT HEADING ________160 to 175___ (20 pts)

COM FREQUENCY ____________119.8_____ (20 pts)

RPM ________2190 to 2210 [2350 to 2450]__ (15 pts)


**        10) Record your:

NAV 2 DME 29.6-30.3 [28.6-29.3]_______    (25 pts)

ADF Needle Position 10 left to 10 right____    (25 pts)

AIRSPEED _________135 to 145________    (20 pts)

VSI __________________-600 to -1500___    (20 pts)

RPM ______2090 to 2110 [2250 to 2350]__    (20 pts)

HEADING ____________195 to 205______    (15 pts)


**        13) Record your:

NAV 1 DME DIST __________2.8 to 2.9____    (25 pts)

AIRSPEED _________________80 to 90____    (20 pts)

VSI ______________________0 to -500_____    (20 pts)

ALTITUDE _______________550 to 650____    (20 pts)

HEADING ________________218 to 227____    (15 pts)

RPM ________1450 to 1550 [1750 to 1850]__    (15 pts)

CARB HEAT _________________ON_______    (10 pts)

GEAR ____________________DOWN______    (10 pts)

**        31) Record the TIME __________20:00 to 20:08____    (5 pts)

TOP GUN................................................................

481 to 510 pts

FLYING LEATHERNECK...................................

401 to 480 pts


311 to 400 pts

TEST PILOT HOPEFUL......................................

221 to 310 pts

WHITE KNUCKLE WILLIE...............................

131 to 220 pts

TAKE THE BUS....................................................

000 to 130 pts

Table of Contents
Previous Section: Answers: Flight Scenario Eleven
Next Section: Flight Plan Form and Worksheet