Flights of 13MIKE

by Fred J. Calfior and Douglas W. Miller

Flight Scenario Three


**  a) What airport is to your left as you leave the LAX TCA Corridor? COMPTON (15 pts)

**  b) How many runways does Los Angeles International have? 4 (15 pts)

**  c) What is the height of the floor of the TCA at Santa Monica? 5,000 feet (15 pts)


**        3) Select CARB HEAT "ON", record RPM drop 80[60] (5 pts)

**        5) Select "LEFT" Mag, record RPM drop    150[130]    (5pts)

**        7) Select "RIGHT" Mag, record RPM drop    150 [130]    (5 pts)


**        15) Record your:

ALTITUDE       2450 to 2850       (20 pts)

AIRSPEED       77 to 83       ___ (20 pts)

VSI         750 to 850  ________ (20 pts)

HEADING       340 to 350      __ (15 pts)

FLAPS         UP        ________ (10 pts)


**       4) Record your:

NAV 1 DME DIST 14.2-15.0 [14.9-15.7] (25 pts)

NAV 2 DME DIST   6.3-6.8 [4.9-5.3]  __ (25 pts)

ALTITUDE         3450 to 3550  _______ (20 pts)

AIRSPEED         130 to 135  _________ (15 pts)

XPDR         3732    _________________ (15 pts)

HEADING         143 to 148    _________ (15 pts)

VSI           −100 to +100    ___________ (15 pts)


**  8) Record your:

NAV 1 DME DIST       22.3 to 23.3     (25 pts)

NAV 2 DME DIST     5.5 to 5.8    ___ (25 pts)

ALTITUDE       1800 to 2800  ______ (25 pts)

AIRSPEED       123 to 130    _______ (20 pts)

VSI         −1000 to −1300    ________ (20 pts)

HEADING       192 to 198    _______ (20 pts)


**        2) What would be the 45 degree heading to the midfield?       155       (20 pts)

**        12) Record your:

AIRSPEED         85 to 90      ________ (25 pts)

VSI             −350 to −450    _________ (25 pts)

ALTITUDE       500 to 600      _______ (25 pts)

RPM     1384 to 1407 [1650 to 1750]  __ (20 pts)

HEADING         195 to 205       (20 pts)

CARB HEAT       ON_____       (15 pts)

**       18) Record your:

AIRSPEED       65 to 75      ________ (25 pts)

VSI           −350 to −450      ________ (25 pts)

HEADING       285 to 295      _______ (20 pts)

RPM     1384 to 1407 [1650 to 1750]     (15 pts)

FLAPS       30 degrees down    ______ (15 pts)

**        28) Record the TIME     12:54 to 13:01         (5 pts)

TOP GUN..........................................

621 to 665 pts

FLYING LEATHERNECK...............................

516 to 620 pts


386 to 515 pts

TEST PILOT HOPEFUL..................

256 to 385 pts

WHITE KNUCKLE WILLIE..................

126 to 255 pts

TAKE THE BUS...................

000 to 125 pts


Table of Contents
Previous Section: Answers: Flight Scenario Two
Next Section: Answers: Flight Scenario Four