Flights of 13MIKE

by Fred J. Calfior and Douglas W. Miller


Professor Miller and I were flying the Microsoft Flight Simulator one evening, having a golden time zipping underneath the Golden Gate Bridge and zinging about on World War II low level missions! We flew the night approach into San Francisco and decided to fly down to San Diego. What we came to realize was there were no canned cross country flights that we could follow. Making one up for ourselves was not very challenging since we already knew all the answers. So began a plan which entailed the development of cross country scenarios, with the ability to challenge any individual. They ranged from easy to hard in areas of navigation, approaches, and landings while at the same time being pure entertainment and fun!

We noticed, as we flew these scenarios, that our skills with the simulator became sharp and we were able to nail the numbers with regularity. It was determined that this was due to a combination of increased dexterity with the controls and the adherence to good flight procedures.

By drawing on our experience and background in teaching flying and flight concepts, we have been able to bring to you a very authentic and realistic set of cross country flights.

This is the first book of a vast series of upcoming companion books to the Microsoft Flight Simulator program. The books have been designed to be flown in sequence, even though it is not required. The companions come in two levels. Level A is primarily visual flight (VFR), keeping the non-pilot and student pilot well challenged but within reach of everyone's flying ability. Level B, on the other hand, is a book geared to anyone who has completed the first book or is an experienced pilot. This book deals with bad weather, overcast, and cloudy instrument flights. It is very challenging and realistic.

This companion is divided into four, area specific, series of flights which can be flown as continuation hops or handled separately as self contained units. The areas are:

Los Angeles, California

1. Riverside to La Verne

2. La Verne to Santa Monica

3. Santa Monica to Torrance

4. Torrance to Avalon

Chicago, Illinois

1. Lansing to Aurora

2. Aurora to Bloomington-Normal

3. Bloomington-Normal to Kankakee

4. Kankakee to Chicago Meigs Field

San Francisco, California

1. Salinas to San Jose International

2. San Jose International to Oakland International

New York City, New York

1. Bridgeport, Connecticut to La Guardia International

2. La Guardia International to Kennedy International

You will notice that there are scoring points throughout the flight scenarios. They are weighted in accordance to their degree of importance in the VFR flying arena. The purpose of the scoring is so you may have a target of proficiency to shoot for. We'll tell you, based upon your score, what category of pilot you REALLY, REALLY are! The answers for each scenario are provided in the back of the companion, so that you can tell how close your skills are to whatever goals you've set for yourself.

Flights of "13MIKE" - Book One - Level A has been prepared and written so that it challenges the non-pilot, student pilot, and commercial pilot. It is assumed the student is familiar and versatile with the Microsoft Flight Simulator Versions 4.0 or 5.0. This is not a teaching aid on how to fly the simulator - we assume that you have already practiced using the Microsoft Flight Simulator's own manual and guide. So whether you have version 4.0 or 5.0, this companion provides you with a custom program geared for your needs no matter what version you own.

The airplane in which you will be practicing is a Cessna 182 RG, a retractable gear airplane. We recommend that you use the map display very sporadically - more for curiosity sake than anything else. The areas are default areas which come automatically with your original Microsoft program. You won't have to build any scenery, locations or navaids unless you want to do so for your own personal thrill. We also recommend that you follow all the steps in each scenario so you can build a habit pattern of awareness in procedural techniques, especially in the preflight area. If you do skip a step, you won't fall out of the sky and die in simulation, but you will fail to utilize this companion to its full benefit!

VOR navigation is quite frequently used in your flight scenarios because it is a vital part of VFR cross country work wherever you go. And also because, the ground views of the Microsoft Flight Simulator program are not built up to the extent of capably using them as dead reckoning and pilotage points of reference. The following companion to this one, IFR Flights of "13MIKE" - Book Two - Level B, is geared specifically to the IFR environment where you will be flying solely by reference to your instruments.

You may fly each one of these flight scenarios using your keyboard, mouse, or joystick. There is no specific preference. The transfer of learning will be attained by the application and practice of the standardized procedures which are a foundational part of each and every flight scenario. These procedures are practiced and accepted worldwide. We recognize that there will be differences of opinion based upon Fixed Base Operator (FBO) or flight school methods of instruction. For example, the magneto checks which we have you do, are performed with "LEFT" first, then with "RIGHT" so that at the end of the final magneto check, one click will bring it back to "BOTH". If the "LEFT" magneto was checked last, then one click would rest on the "RIGHT" magneto, and a pilot could then quite inadvertently take off with only one magneto in operation!

So, start up your computers! CESSNA 13MIKE is ready to fly with you to the exciting and challenging VFR world in a totally hands on, you're in control, plan ahead style of airplane navigation! Happy flying!!!!!


As you progress through this companion, we would enjoy hearing about your triumphs, thrills, and any other comments you may wish to share with us. We are always eager to hear from our fellow flyers. All comments are appreciated. Please send them to CalMil Publishing, 2224 Katahn Drive, Prescott AZ, 86301.

Professor Douglas W. Miller

Professor Fred John Calfior

Table of Contents
Previous Section: Other Flights of 13MIKE
Next Section: About This Companion