IFR Flights of 13MIKE
by Fred J. Calfior and Douglas W. Miller
PreFlight |
The flight scenarios in this action book have been written with the assumption that you are familiar with the operation and control of Microsoft Flight Simulator 4.0 or 5.0.
Hi! My name is Professor Miller. Professor Calfior and I will be helping you fly "N9413M", referred to as "13MIKE" (pronounced "ONE THREE MIKE"), through the scenarios in this action book. It is to your advantage to read the Microsoft Flight Handbook and understand all the keyboard controls for operating the instruments, engine, and flap controls on the Cessna 182 RG instrument panel before starting. An excellent way to acquire this knowledge is by going through Microsoft's "Flight School".
The following Flight School sections are recommended: 1) "Ground School", 2) "Basic Flight Training", 3) "Advanced Flight Training", and 4) "Navigation Course". It is best to complete all lessons in each of these sections. Flying the scenarios in this action book without the Flight School experience is possible. We try to provide as much help as we can in areas where you may run into problems. You can also refer to the Microsoft Flight Handbook for help. We highly recommend that you have a good understanding of how the following instruments work: 1) VOR and OBI, 2) DME, and 3) VSI.
Flight Simulator version 5.0 comments
The latest version of Microsoft Flight Simulator is something to behold. The scenery is fantastic, and the instruments and controls are very realistic. There are a few differences between versions 4.0 and 5.0. We have used a bold square bracket "[ ]" to indicate any 5.0 version specific command or answer. If you are flying version 5.0, please use the numbers in the square brackets.
Make sure that your propeller is set to "fixed pitch". Airspeed indicator to "indicated". Aircraft position will need to be set using Latitude and Longitude settings. 5.0 also displays NAV 1 and NAV 2 DME simultaneously. When you come across a command that tells you to switch to NAV 2 DME, just revert your attention to your second DME display.
Due to the slant range consideration given in version 5.0, the minimum DME for station passage over a VOR will be different from that of version 4.0, and is also noted in brackets.
The power settings are directly linked to the airspeed indicator. In other words, as your airspeed increases, your RPM will increase, and vice versa. You will have to closely watch your RPM settings as your airspeed changes, in order to maintain the commanded RPM setting.
When setting up winds and clouds, each level must be created in sequence to mimic the version 4.0 levels.
Table of Contents
Previous Section: Preface
Next Section: Flying the Scenarios